Nordic Arts Festival


Nordic art

GÁTT Nordic Arts Festival is a multidisciplinary nomadic festival held biannually, each time in a different Nordic country. 

The festival aims to strengthen the collaboration between Nordic artists and to build a community that locally expands each festival edition.

The festival is an artist-led festival made by the GÁTT community that was held for the first time in Copenhagen, 2022. The second edition of the festival is held 23.–25.8.2024 in Helsinki, hosting at Ylioppilasteatteri, MUU Helsinki Contemporary Art Centre, Forum Box, and Hietsun paviljonki.

The thematic landscape of the 2024 edition of the festival is on the prefix ‘re-’. Re-’ refers to the past and the future. It means doing something again; a repetition, however, it also pushes for change and reflection by doing something again but differently.

The festival programme aims to re-define what one might consider Nordic art in our contemporary context by presenting a diverse range of events taking forms in th shapes of exhibitons, performances, and concerts. It re-imagines the structure of a festival by giving space for experimentation and emerging ideas and expressions.

GÁTT Nordic Arts Festival 2024 is made by the GÁTT Community members Tytti Arola (FI), Vár Bech Árting (FO), Nayab Ikram (AX), Anna Jarosz (PL), Ronja Louhivuori (FI) and Walter Sallinen (FI).

GÁTT Nordic Arts Festival 2024 is managed by Åland Action Art r.f.